Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Plan-Do-Reflect, Day Two!

 The Turtles have really gotten the hang of this Choice Time thing! When the teachers announced that it was time to clean up for Morning Meeting and Choice Time, one child even exclaimed, "YES!" After a bit of yoga and ballet, we were ready for Morning Meeting.
At Morning Meeting, Tamara told the children that next week one of her friends would be bringing in a bassoon, and wanted to know what their favorite songs are. So we made a list of the songs, and it is a very eclectic list!
Noah also shared his sea shells that he had gathered from the beach in Florida. He showed us how they make different sounds, depending if they are big or small, thick or thin. One of the choices at Choice Time was to explore the sounds the shells make.
Other choices included the Sound Table with lots of cool instruments, Writing Center to make cards for Carol who was home sick, beading, sand box, and books. At the Sound Table, the children were working on playing instruments, and did a great job taking turns and trading instruments. They were also trying to figure out how to get the songs to all start and stop at the same time, and Tamara introduced the idea of the conductor.
After Choice Time, we gathered again for our first Reflection Meeting. This will be a time when the chidlren talk about what they did during Choice Time, and what discoveries or learning they did. Here is what they said about today's Choice Time:
Noah's castle, that David protected with his rocketship.
Davie: Drum work. It makes a loud nose.
GK: I played with the guitar. It make music.
Naomi: The Writing Center. I made a card for Carol.
Robby: I played with the drums to make good sound by banging. Banging on the drums.
Maggie: I did beads and then I played guitar and did the drums. I made a crown with the beads.
Juls: The sound of the drums was making loud noise when I was banging it and then I went to the snack table.
Kailyn: I was playing on the guitar and it make a different sound. A little stars.
David: I played with drums and the guitar and then boom boom boom! I made my rocket ship with green triangles.
Miranda: I ate snack and played with the drums. I discovered of the drums that they they go boom boom boom.
Max: I discovered the sand box. I was breaking bad guys. They didn't come back together again.
Noah: I made a big castle so kings and queens could live in it and I discovered that it might fall down and I could use blocks. And I played with the drums, and I discovered that it made different noises than the other instruments.
David: I put it down to keep it safe. My rocket ship keep Noah's castle safe so it doesn't crash.
The children are already getting the idea of carrying out their plans, and reflecting on what they have done. As they continue to build this skill, they will carry ideas from day to day!
We also enjoyed playing on the playground and listening to Ann read the book, How to Catch a Star, by Oliver Jeffers.

During lunch, we listened to Peter and the Wolf and the children were so excited by the combination of the music and story! They were worried about when the wolf music would come, and excited when the duck escaped from the wolf's tummy.

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