Friday, December 3, 2010

Counting, Adding, Mixing and Running: Friday in Turtleland

Carol and Tamara continue to be inspired by the math workshop they went to this week. Today, Carol worked with the unifix cubes. We learned that there are many stages to being a "counter": precounter, chanter, reciter, corresponder, counter, producer, counter and producer. Working with the unifix cubes and trays, the children could stack up cubes to reach a total, working on one-to-one correspondence, (the idea that one object correspondence to one number). They also worked on the idea of "more and less," grouping, and of basic addition.
We also made play dough, which is such  rich math and science experience: measuring and counting cups of ingredients, watching liquids and solids transform in front of us, and watching the mixing of colors to make new colors. The final result of the blue and red mixing was a mystical looking purple, shot through with blue sparkles.

Outdoor time brought much swinging and very involved games of hide and seek. The Turtles are not letting the cold weather slow them down!

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