Monday, November 29, 2010

Plan-Do-Reflect: The Next Step in Learning Through Play

Carol and Tamara have been noticing the increasing focus of the Turtles as they work during Free Choice Time in the morning, and decided that the Turtles were ready for a new level of structure. Today, we began Choice Time, where the children will have the opportunity to make a plan, do an activity, and then reflect on that activity. This cycle of activity promotes children's planning and allows them to learn from what they have done, and return to projects day after day. To introduce this to the Turtles, we had clean up at 9, and then Morning Meeting. At Morning Meeting, Tamara told the Story of Choice Time, introducing the chart (above) which shows what centers are open and talking about the idea of open snack. The Turtles were excited to get started, and we went around the cirlce, each Turtle sharing his or her plan for Choice Time, and setting off to  do their plan.

One popular center was the Sound Table. There, Carol introduced several new instruments, and the Turtles experimented with them, exploring ways of playing together, while singing along to familiar songs.
Maggie brought in some instruments to share with her friends, introducing them to the glockenspiel, two microphones, shaker sticks, a triangle, and a harmonica.

Movement with Missy was so much fun, as she made the obstacle course even more intricate with TWO hopscotch courses and hula hoops!

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