Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Solving Problems, Washing Babies and Making Books

Today we got out the new playdough - there's nothing like fresh purple playdough to start the day off right.

At Morning Meeting, we practiced our nearly perfected Moment of Silence. The Turtles have learned a lot about holding their bodies and their minds very still.

We also worked on solving the many problems in our story. With one more edit (to see if we want to add or change anything), the writing part is very near completion.

For Inside Outside time, we had our snack outside. We also brought out our library books to look at one more time before we take them back tomorrow. 

Inside, we began creating the illustrations for our story, using washes of watercolor and permanent marker. We also had magnetic mosaics, puzzles and dramatic play indoors.

We brought magnatiles outside, and the Caterpillars brought out babies to wash. As it turned out, the Caterpillars decided that the magnatiles were more fun and the Turtles preferred the babies. The Turtles really enjoy the rhythm of Inside Outside day now - it allows them to get involved with a broad spectrum of activities, and to self monitor their need for a slower or faster pace.

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