Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Make Believe

Today we worked some more on editing our story. We read the Turtles what we had so far, and then realized that our story did not have a beginning. So we figured out the setting. It is amazing to hear the children discuss their ideas. They are so deeply engaged in the serious work of being authors!

During Inside-Outside Day, the children were so industrious and engaged! They made an amazing fort on the playground, and then turned it into their house. Miranda, Robby and Julian were a family, and David built himself a bed nearby so that he could be their kitty.

Noah, Katie and Kailyn also made beds. They were chipmunks, and so they lined their beds with hay.

The Caterpillars had brought their babies out for baths, and the Turtles were eager to help.

Inside, the easel was open, and Naomi experimented with mixing different colors.

 Carol also made playdough with the children. It was her first time making it, and it looks great!

Maggie, Davie, and Max worked on their photo books which are turning into wonderful opportunities for the Turtles to remember the many many adventures we have had this year.

It seems like the closer we get to the end of the year, the more the Turtles are lovin' each other. Its like they can't get enough of being together!

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