Thursday, May 26, 2011

Out and About

Some of the Turtles went over to the Abington Meeting Garden this morning to meet a friend of Carol's and see what she was planting.

We found a couple of ladybugs and also discovered that the paths were fun places to run around.

We had our last Music with Allison today! It was a special all-requests performance, and she played so many of our favorites, like the Dinosaur Dance, the Froggy Song, and the Cowboy Song.

Then we were on our way to the Lower School. It was time to return our books to Gwen in the Library, and visit our friends on the Pre-K playground too!

We got to play in the Kindergarten and the Big Kid's playground. Many of the Turtles found out that they can do things that they couldn't do at the beginning of the year. They have gotten so big and strong!

We also ran into a few family members while we were out and about.

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