Monday, April 11, 2011


Today the Turtles were busy, inside and out! Inside, a group worked with Carol on our second digital story book! The Turtles got to see the "first-cut" of the first group's story, "When Are We Going on a Trip?" And the next group was eager to ger started. First, Carol led the group in doing a Round-Robin Story, with each child contributing. Then they started the ink and watercolor drawings. So far, it looks delightful!
Outside, the children worked in the garden with Tamara dividing clumps of perrinials  to make a new little garden and spread the lillies all over! It was hard an dirty work, but they soon got the hang of dividing up the clumps, digging a hole, placing the clump in and firming the soil back over the new plant.
Movement with Missy was great! We did more Tee-Ball, went on a "bear hunt," and learned a new game called Jack Be Nimble.
And today was George Katherine's Treasure Box Day! She shared a myriad of headbands, and a magic wand!

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