Friday, April 8, 2011

New Sensations

Our day began with a chance to play with the new flubber we made yesterday. It is a particularly bright and stretchy batch, so the Turtles found many ways to play with it.

Then, much to our surprise, the Copenhagen Girls Choir showed up at our door! They were here visiting AFS, so we immediately invited them in to our room and they graced us with an amazingly beautiful song. What an unexpected gift it was.

We sent an energetic band of superheroes outside to check on the weather and they returned with the decision that we should take our snack outside. We munched at the picnic table and then did some super swinging and biking. Once again, we managed to beat the rain.

While some friends stayed outside, others went inside to bake the first round of treats for tonight's art show.

The rice krispie treats were even gooier than the flubber!

At Morning Meeting we put up the world map and talked a bit about where we live and where we've traveled. Then, Julian came up to show us where his father is now (Australia), and to share some photos he has sent to the Turtles from his trip. The Turtles recognized the Sydney Opera House from a book on architecture that we read yesterday.

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