Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome Back!

The Turtles were so excited to be back at school after spring break! They jumped right into many of their favorite activities: writing each other notes in the Writing Center, building with blocks, and playing imaginative games in the new "restaurant" under the climber.
At Morning Meeting, we went around the circle and everyone shared something from their break. Here is what they said:
David: I played with my space shuttle and it has so many pieces! Gerrrr! My mom said that I should keep the space shuttle together.
Max: I really liked the Wii but my mom tells me to play it just a little, only at night time. When you finish all the penguin levels, you can become the villians, first its the Riddler and Clay Face. We don't play Harry Potter anymore.
Noah: I got a little new stuffed animal duckie.
Katie: My brother said we could play when we come back from his school because I really wanted to play with them. My brother set up the boots and hats and guns and so when we come back we can play with them. And then I'm going to play with my barbies and horses.
Miranda: I was playing with my sister and I went to the carousel! I rided horses and went round and round!
Kailyn: Me and Jasmine and Alani we play with my pet shop all the time. And we were playing and we have stickers to decorate them with.
Maggie: I went to the Crayola Factory.
Sarah L: My momma and my daddy love me. I stayed there with my mommy. There was just a couple things. Let me tell you about my Spring Break. Well, I went to the Touch Museum and also I just want to tell you guys. My other spring break I went to the big museum. I saw a lot of dresses. You couldn't wear the white dress.
George Katherine: I went to the Lower School so I can play with the other toys! The fun thing was going outside.

We had Movement with Missy, and she introduced us to Tee Ball!! The Turtles already had some skill with this tricky game, and could hit the ball quite well!

After a beautiful and joyful time on the playground, we headed out for a quick tour of our trees. There are tiny buds on the end of the branches. And then, from afar, we saw some beautiful yellow flowers on a bush! We ran over to the forsythia! Spring is finally here!

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