Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Many Uses of Numbers

We had two rollicking games today, and both involved numbers! First, we played Numbers Lotto in small groups. The Turtles are working on a bunch of math skills like one-to-one correspondence, numeral recognitions, and even simple addition! When a child filled the Lotto card, the whole group would sing BINGO!
Later, we played the biggest game of hide and seek ever! The Turtles all counted to 20, while Paul hid amongst the trees in the cemetry. Again and again, we found him. He was a good hider!

We also had our first Spanish lesson! Alicia will be teaching us Spanish every Tuesday, and she came and began by teaching us two new songs in Spanish.

 Also, our seeds are sprouting! The children have noticed that many of the seeds are sending up little green sprouts!

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