Monday, January 3, 2011

New Beginnings

The Turtles were so excited to be back at school!!
We were very happy to see one another after our long break. There were also some changes in the room, and everyone got a chance to explore new toys, areas and books. The sandbox had miraculously transformed into wild animal sanctuary, there were new and challenging puzzles to assemble, a new balance scale, trains and a rearranged dramatic play area.

After some yoga and stretching, we gathered for Morning Meeting, where the Turtles each shared a little about what they did over break:

Naomi: I moved to my house. But first, we woked up in the nighttime at my old house but then the moving truck was there and I had to go to my friend's house. I saw the moving people.
Juls: Over Christmas Break, I didn't maked a snow man.  I had hot chocolate. And do you know what else I got for Christmas? I got a remote control car.
Robby: I went to WaWa and Poppy's house.
Maggie: I was at Christmas day, I had a remote control car.
Noah: I made snow angels.
Katie: I go out in the snow and I sled. After I got tired, I got coco and donuts at Dunkin Donuts.
Kailyn: I was getting something that I was like and then I was sharing something with my sisters. My sisters still gave me some, the things that were small.
Miranda: I did something special.  I played with my sister.
Max: I went to the Lego Store to get a new gun ray and a Lego Zerg.
George Katherine: I went to my daddy's work and my mommy's work but just my mommy tried to catch me.
Sarah Lynne: Actually we did Christmas. Santa brought me presents. I got a pillow pet.
David: Santa brought me a train deer. There was a present under the tree. I play with the cars. It go slowly and then it go bump.

After Choice Time, we had a little time to play outside and spent much of the time exploring the remaining snow.

Then, we had Movement class with Missy, where we stretched, played instruments and soccer and skated on paper plate skates. We are so excited to be back!

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