Thursday, January 6, 2011

Making Plans

Today the Turtles had a big meeting on the topic of converting the climber into a Clubhouse. We put a big photo of the climber up on the Smartboard and brainstormed our ideas for redesigning the space - Carol drew many of the ideas on the picture. Although friends had some different ideas about the kind of clubhouse they wanted, we were able to agree on what it should have on it and in it. Stay tuned for the new look.

The recorders came back out today, and some Turtles continued decorating their instruments and began to work on playing songs and playing together. They experimented with rhythm, beat, fingering and working out the notes to "Mary Had a Little Lamb." It is amazing to see the way that the Turtles are figuring out how to get their instruments to make the sounds they want.

Also during Choice Time, kids made complex "jigsaw" puzzles from magnatiles, drove trains, went camping, went on wild safaris and continued their caped crusade to keep the world safe. Outside, we enjoyed some impromtu skating and sliding in what remained of the snow, now hard packed into a brilliant sled hill.
As a group, the Turtles are working to understand the complexities of friendship, and today there were some hurt feelings out on the playground. So when we came back inside, we had a meeting to discuss important questions, such as: "How many friends can a person have?", "How does it feel when you tell someone that they are not your friend anymore?" "Can you be mad at someone and still be friends?" The Turtles demonstrated their compassion for one another as they worked together to try and figure out the "rules" for being friends, and we know these conversations will continue as the Turtles wrestle with the Big Questions of three and four year olds.

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