Friday, January 7, 2011

I Am The King of the Snow!

For the Turtles, the big event for today was a new batch of snow! Once we got all of our snow gear on, we couldn't wait to get outside and play. We set up a "Snowball Store" and took turns throwing snowballs at anything that didn't move. We rolled in it, slid on it, made tracks in it and even ate some of it. Then, we took a hike and found snow mountains to climb and roll down. We went a bit snow crazy.

Inside time was also filled with fun. At Morning Meeting we got out our new favorite instruments and noticed a few more things about them - how to play very long and very short notes, and how to change the sounds of notes. Each Turtle demonstrated some of their new discoveries and sounds. Check out our music video below (hopefully).

At Choice Time, the Turtles were very busy. Some painted at the easel, others built with the magnatiles and still others helped to clean up the guinea pigs cage and give them food and water for the weekend.

The Music Video

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such a great day! The video didn't work for me. Please let us know if you get it going again. MMZ
