Thursday, December 16, 2010


The all-school annual tradition of Winterfest happened today! The Turtles bundled up and headed over to the gym where the entire school had gathered to celebrate our community, our traditions, and all the things that make AFS so wonderful. After the initial shock of seeing all those people gathered in one place, the Turtles settled in, enjoying the songs, and playing our part, decorating the Christmas Tree. Other grades decorated a Hanukah table, a Kwanzaa Table, played songs in bands, and performed skits about equality, peace, light, and holiday traditions.
Back at the preschool, we settled down for a nice long Choice Time. The children have been newly interested in a few dramatic play themes: Super Heroes and Families. For the most part, they co-exist, and it is amazing to see how the children are able to negotiate with each other to sustain common play themes and negotiate when they have different ideas.
We had a breif meeting to talk about the new year coming up, and to plan for putting away old toys and activites to make space for new ones. Part of this process involved "un-decorating" the climber, with the thought that we might tranform it into something else, perhaps a "flamingo-decorated superhero rocketship!" (We shall see what January brings!)

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