Monday, December 13, 2010

More Holiday Traditions

The month of December is always filled with such wonderful sharing of traditions! Today Sarah Lynne's mom Dawn brought in cookies to decorate (and eat!!) They were delicious! We listened to classic Christmas songs.

Julian also brought in a basket of instruments and things for his friends to investigate.

Carol also brought in a new stop light that was a big hit on the playground! The kids would ride by, going on green, stopping on red, and looking both ways when it said, "Look both ways!"

Movement with Missy was filled with hula hoops, balloons, and a great new game called, "Hullabaloo!" that involved listening carefully, identifying shapes, colors, and categories of objects. They were truly excellent at it!

The morning concluded with a beautiful parade by the Chipmunks for St. Lucia with the singing of songs, the sharing of ginger bread cookies, and the reading of the Tomten book.

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