Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Sun-Turtles

Naomi's mom Michelle came in to share some of their holiday traditions with the class. First she read the children the hilarious book, When Cows Come Home for Christmas in which a cow actually is decorated like a christmas tree! Then she and Naomi put treats in the Turtle's drawers and many children worked on lacing and decorating stockings.

Today we also had some visitors from the Sunflower Class! Connor, Alyssa, and Ella all visited with us! The Turtles were great hosts, showing them how we do things, and asking them tons of questions. We read the book, The Three of Us by Angela Johnson, about a family with three sisters, and the "Sun-Turtles" (as we called ourselves), had lively conversations about who was in their families.
Choice Time included some old favorite activities as well as a new activity. The children did some "Wire Art" experimenting with banding, twisting, and beading the wires. The children used both their imaginations and their strong fine motor skills in this work!

We bundled up and went for a short walk. The children were so excited that it started to flurry as we walked, and we even found some frozen ice!

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