Friday, June 3, 2011

Thinking Backward and Forward

The Turtles are starting to anticipate the final days of school, and we have been talking about plans for the summer and for next year. Some Turtles will be going to Pre-K, some to new schools, and some will have another year here, and so there is lots to look forward to. Mostly the Turtles seem excited about the coming adventures, but there is some amount of sadness as they move on from well loved people and place, and some amount of anticipation as they wonder if they will like their new adventures. At school, we are talking a lot about all these feelings, making books and finishing projects, and thinking about ways to remember all the good times we have had this year in the Turtle Room. Tamara and Carol told the class that they will be making something magical to remember the Turtle class by. Are the Turtles talking about this at home? What are the thoughts and feelings that they are sharing with you?

Our day was busy with story narration,

handprint painting
making music

more math trickery


a parade

and general merriment.

1 comment:

  1. Katie has talked a lot about the book party and how excited she is. She is very impressed that there will be books and food. She hasn't talked too much about next year or the coming summer months.
