Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Blog #150!!!

We got ready for Morning Meeting early today, to beat the heat for Inside Outside time. Tamara tried again to stump the Turtles, by having them add up objects of different values. Once again, they could not be fooled.

We had some more yoga as letters of the alphabet.

At Morning Meeting, we talked about how to make the final decision for our Story title, and gave voting a try. We had a clear winner, and then went around and asked the Turtles whether or not they were ok with the choice, and they were!

For Inside Outside time, we had playdough...

...wild strawberries...

...dramatic play...

...swinging and running...

...and more illustrating for our Story!

There was also a full theater production, with narration and musical accompaniment.

1 comment:

  1. All the things you two do are so very cool...even with all this heat!
