Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tracks and Tunes

The Turtles are captivted by the keyboard, and are discovering all the different things that the various buttons can do. The Turtles take turns using the key board, five minutes each, and we have a sign-up sheet for taking turns. The children write their own names on the list (sometimes with some help), and when "all the red is gone" on the visual timer, the next child takes a turn.
Today was also the first day of play wth the waffle blocks! They were quickly assembled into a boat by a crack team of super heroes. There were a few techincal difficulties with people trying to squeeze on, and then the sides of the boat breaking, which is never good. We decided that we will need to bring in some more waffle blocks so that everyone can fit on our boat.

Our snowy playground continues to provide new experiments for the Turtles. Today, they worked on breaking up hunks of icey snow by throwing it on the pavement. Some ice broke more easily than others. With the warmer temperatures, we made another discovery: mud! After stomping in the squishy squishy mud, we could then make tracks in the snow, and our tracks were brown!

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