Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday is Moose Day*

The keyboard has been a magical addtion to our classroom. The children work with such intention and concentration as they try out different sounds, adding rhythm tracks, and making up melodies. It has taken their experience of music making to a new level!
Movement with Missy today was hilarious as the children played Musical Chairs. Even without a  vanishing chair, when the music stopped it was such a scramble to get a chair! Next Missy introduced jump ropes. We played lots of games, eventually working up to the (very tricky) skill of jumping the rope. Luckily, she said we can practice again next week.
After Movement, we bundled up and headed outside for more snow adventures. The children spied the goose footprints on the bank of the creek, cleared the big fallen branches from the playground, created "flower gardens" by placing sticks in the snow, and of course, slid like penguins down the hill.
Observing the children's interest in boxes and building, we decided to have the children bring the waffle blocks into the classroom to expand the materials for working. We are excited to see where this new material takes them!

*Ask your child about the Moose on Monday

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