Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kids in Boxes and Faces in Mirrors

Today was a day of many boxes being many things. There were complex box trains under continuous improvement, hideaway boxes and tipping-over boxes. Boxes that moved and boxes that were houses. Boxes for one and for many. Boxes for leaping out of and boxes for hiding inside. Boxes where meals were eaten and messages written.

At Morning Meeting, the Turtles returned to a favorite activity - the telling of a Round Robin story. Today's story started with - no surprise - a Train! This one full of all kinds of creatures - animal, animated and technological. The train came upon a monster and ran away. Later, they found the monster's baby and decided to return the baby to her. She was so happy, that she invited all of them to have a party. The Turtles love telling stories this way, and are particularly good at adding all kinds of sound effects.

For Choice Time today, the Turtles had to come and find their name cards in the center of the circle - they are very proud of their ability to recognize their own and their friends names in writing. In addition to the Train and some new puzzles and books, we began working on our self portraits today.

Friends carefully studied their reflections in the mirror, matched their colors to the crayons and their features to different shapes. It is fascinating to hear the Turtles describe what they look like to themselves. This is a project that we will continue to work on over the next several days, and revisit later in the school year.


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