Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Adventures Through the Snow and School

This morning found our sailing ship replaced by a railroad train and several "boxcars." Many friends took a long and crowded trip in our new vehicle, taking turns in the engine and the caboose. Other Turtles continued to work on increasingly difficult puzzles - most finding that teamwork was the way to go.

After yesterday stuck indoors, we decided that today was a day for adventure. At Morning Meeting, Carol showed the Turtles a map of their adventure and everyone talked about what they would see on their route (the Turtles have been very interested in maps of late).

With boots on, we trudged through the snowy cemetary and found our way to the "Puddle Tree" (renamed the "Snow Tree" today. Carefully following the map, we made our way into the building and wound our way around to the cafeteria, where we took our coats off and had one of our fvorite snacks - soft pretzels!

Next, we went to visit Nancy Stevens in Rich Nourie's office. We sang her the "Mighty Mighty Turtles" song, and she shared some animal crackers with us.

Then, we went into the big library, where Toni (the librarian), answered some of our pressing questions - like how many books were there (30,000!) and did they have any library mice? She said it would be alright for us to explore a bit, so we went winding our way through the shelves.

Next, we went to visit Katie's mom, and she offered us some boxes - just what we needed to make our train longer! It was hard work getting all those boxes back to our room, but teamwork made it more fun. We found a mountain of snow to climb on our way to the playground and had a bit more time to play outside. It was hard not to get soaking wet in the slushy snow.

1 comment:

  1. The map idea is fantastic! It looks like you all had a vary busy morning.
