Wednesday, December 8, 2010

There's Nothing Like a Big Box

The day started with a huge box! Although they had already called dibbs on the big box in the office, the Sunflowers decided that they would share their bounty with the Turtles - and the Turtles were very happy about this. Early on, we decided that we'd have to have a Safety Meeting to decide what the Box Rules would be. Many Turtles gathered around to discuss what they thought would work. We assessed the best position to play in it so as not to break it (being  aware that we should return it to the Sunflowers in one piece). Then, we tested capacity, and decided that the maximum capacity should be three. The only other rule that made sense was a that the Turtles share the box, but they chose not to be any more specific than that. We agreed to reconvene if the rules didn't work. After that, the box became a house, a hideout, a cave and a place for wild giggling.

At Morning Meeting, David's mom came in to read some books reflecting their holiday tradition. We sang along to a musical book about Frosty the Snowman and then she shared a book Snowmen All Year.

The Turtles remembered their new musical vocabulary from yesterday, and we sang "Little Red Caboose," both fortissimo (twice!) and pianissimo. Many children spent their Choice Time continuing their musical exploration at the instrument table, working both on changing sound levels and finding a rhythm to play together.

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