Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Softly and Loudly

At Morning Meeting, the Turtles started a book about instruments in the orchestra that Max and his family donated to our library. We read about the string section and violins, violas, cellos, basses and harps. The book has an accompanying CD, so we were able to read about the instruments and then listen to what they sounded like - many of the Turtles thought the bass sounded "scarey," and compared it to the sound of the wolf in "Peter and the Wolf." Tamara also taught us some new musical terminology related to dynamics: Forte/Fortissimo (Loud, Very Loud), and Piano/Pianissimo (Soft, Very Soft).

At Choice Time, the Turtles made plans to do several activities: some sorted the beads in our new windowsill location, others worked with gluing letters into words, and still others played instruments at the band table. There, we were able to  practice our new words - moving from Forte to Piano, and adding a new term - Mezzo, for Medium. The Turtles took pleasure in being able to use their new vocabulary to direct their playing and that of their friends. As friends move in and out of more novel activities, some familiar standby's are available as well - such as blocks and books and, of course snack.

After going on a bear hunt, we bundled up to go outside. It was quite chilly, so we had to keep moving to keep ourselves warm. Back inside, we read several books as we warmed up - including George Katherine's,  Cajun Night Before Christmas." This time, we talked more about the ideas and pictures - particularly the flying alligators.

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