Monday, October 25, 2010

Surprise in the Basement

Today, during Choice Time, some Turtles realized that we only had one magnifying glass in the room, and thought we might need at least one more. A few of us went down into the basement to see if we could find one. We searched high and low and, although we did not find a magnifying glass, we found something better - 2 contraptions that look like they used to be musical instruments, but are now in many pieces. We brought them upstairs, cleaned them off and began to experiment with the sounds we could get out of them. We found and made different implements to strike them with, and tried to figure out when they made sounds and when they didn't. Investigations will be ongoing.
After warming up for Morning Meeting with some yoga, we did what has become a favorite activity - a Round Robin of Rhythm. After all of the Turtles had had a turn, we started to talk about what the sounds reminded us of (and how drumming on the floor sounded like a herd of stampeding elephants). What happened next was very fun, as our drumming sounds turned into a story about elephants with sound effects! The Turtles are becoming both musicians and scientists of sound.
Next was Movement class with Missy, where we did stretches and marched like a variety of animals. After freeze dancing with scarves, Missy got out balloons and we kicked them with our feet and kept them in the air with our hands, elbows, heads and noses.

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