Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bob Steps Out

Just before Morning Meeting, a group of children helped Tamara fill Bob's head, and although he does not yet have a spine stick, he is almost ready for prime time. At Morning Meeting, the teachers announced that Bob is going to go outside with the other scarecrows, and so Bob needs some advice on how to make friends with the other scarecrows. Each child got a chance to share his or her thoughts and ideas, and here is what they said:
Naomi: Play in the leaves.
Maggie: Play with the other scarecrows.
Davie: I think Bob..I know how he could make friends with the other scarecrows. You know how? He could play in the garden with them.
Miranda: He could meet the other scarecrows. He could say "Hello."
Sarah Lynne: I take friends with me! Then he could go any place he wants to.
Max: I tell it by myself, "Bob, you understand that you are making any friends? You should bring more friends."
Kailyn: He will play friends with the leaf pile and the slide and stuff.
Matthew: He should say, "Hello!"
George Katherine: He can play in the leaf pile.
Robby: He could play with the other scarecrows.
Katie: Play.
David: He could run around and go, "rrr, rr, rrrr." He has boots for walking around really fast. The other scarecrows can run around and chase him, and then they can get him.
We feel that Bob is a very lucky scarecrow to have gotten such sound advice.
We also worked on stenciling our Fall Family Festival Shirts with a beautiful turtle shell stencil.
Daniel, Maggie's dad, brought in two beautiful books to read, Waking Beauty and Simon and Adele. (Daniel, who were the authors?)


  1. I had fun reading, thanks for letting me come in to the class. The authors are Barbara McClintock (Adele and Simon) and Leah Wilcox (Waking Beauty).
