Monday, May 16, 2011

Stretching Minds, Bodies and Rubber Bands

We had a few new things in the room today, the most popular being the rubber band art boards (they probably have a shorter, more accurate name). Many of the Turtles gathered around the table to challenge themselves and their friends to do all kinds of things with these materials: Make the most shapes, make the coolest design, get the most rubber bands on the fastest. It was a great activity, not only for the creativity that they brought to it, but also as a way to enhance fine motor strength and dexterity.

At Morning Meeting, we tried sitting up on the blocks, to see whether that made it easier or harder to still our bodies. We also had a fascinating discussion about what is in our bodies, and what it does. The Turtles talked about their hearts and took their own pulses and wondered at why their hearts beat so fast when they run. Others shared their ideas about stomaches and lungs and eating and peeing and pooping, and blood and what happens when you get a cut. It was a full-on Turtle Anatomy class. I recommend continuing the conversation at home. We ended up talking about what happens to our insides when we sit slouched as opposed to holding or bodies up. Next, we had a very still Moment of Silence.

We also worked on drawing our third main story character - the Guinea Pig with the Stinky Shoes. The Turtles kept running back and forth to Nellie and Luna's cage, so that they could accurately describe what a guinea pig looks like.

Outside, we took out new markers to draw on the glass, and cars with the blocks, to build roads and buildings.

In Movement class, we stretched, played dodgeball, did the limbo and popped streaming bubbles.

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