Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Picture This!

After a very active morning of tightrope walking, surfing and see-sawing, the Turtles had Morning Meeting and learned that they would be photographers today. Carol explained how to use the cameras (these are very nice digital cameras that we borrowed from the kindergarten). Then, we headed out to spend the morning in the sunshine.

We enjoyed snack out on the playground, and then had some time to run and swing and bike, before we went over to the Grove.

There, the Turtles formed teams of two - one who would have the camera, and the other who would "scout" for good pictures. After 10 minutes, the teams switched, and each team member got several turns.

It was amazing watching the kids take off with the cameras - and particularly seeing how well they worked together to find good shots. As a group, they took hundreds of photos, and tomorrow we're going to look at them with a critical eye, to think about which ones would add to a good story.

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